St Catherine's


  • Birtles Lane
  • Macclesfield
  • Cheshire
  • SK10 4RX

A Blessing and a Coffee

Here at St Catherine's, we like to reach out to all the Community, and sometimes it is just not possible for everyone to attend for the Full Service.

And yet, people may still want to come to Church.

So, we are starting an idea where anyone who wants to attend Church, but for a shorter time than a Full Service, can turn up towards the end and come in for A Blessing and A Coffee.,

For Family Services - the first Sunday of each month - that will be about 11.45am.

And for the other three Services, that will be about 12.15pm.

We really want everyone to be able to get to Church in a way which suits them, so please

Join Us for A BLESSING & A COFFEE whenever that suits you.